Monday 5 May 2008

Secrets.... Shhhhhh

Soo many secret little projects which does not make interesting blog reading! So I thought I would share a couple of sneak peaks with you for a couple of them. On a brighter note it has meant that as we have had a bank holiday weekend I have managed to get some creating done!!! I know I stepped aay from the computer long enough to create and it was fab! I really do get withdrawel symptoms if I do not make things on a regular basisWhat is even more impressive is that I have actually got housework done too! I know you would think that as I work from home for the majority of my time my house would be the epitome of cleanliness but the reality is ummm, no I work way too many hours and just never seem to have enough time but then I guess that that really is the same for everyone these days! LOL I have constantly vowed to try and organise my time better so I can get more done and more efficiently but what it comes down too is that I just trying doing too much in a mere 24hr period. I have relaxed a bit over the weekend though inbetween stressing about Nick's Mum who is in hospital and a few other emotional happenings but then I guess that is what makes the world turn and makes us appreciate life more.

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