Thursday 12 June 2008

Off to Ranger 1 week today

OK, so I am trying, in fact really trying to curb my excitement as it is only 1 week today before Sheena and I adorn a plane to New Jersey to go to Ranger University! Yes my stomach is doing somersaults already!! Now, as many of you who know me already know, I am a huge fan of ranger products, especially the alcohol inks and there are not many crafting tools in my possession that do not get altered one way or the otherHere is a small picture of my heat tool just to prove a point!

So last night Kiehsa and I spent some quality crafting time together and made one of Ranger's Projects, a memory glass Tea light holder, I loved it the first time I saw it and really wanted to give it a go but as with everything it is always time permitting, so last night was that time and as always when I look at a project another variation pops into my head and so of course I had to make that too! (well it would be rude not to wouldn't it!?)

Also congratulations to Sally, our latest Demonstrator cannot wait to hear about your parties and see your projects etc.... and no doubt we will hear from Sheena all about your training.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i want them! please! they will look so pretty on my desk!